Thursday, April 7, 2011

Final Copy of Comic Book

This is the final copy of my comic book; the photos have been taken and edited using Photoshop and Comic Life, and it was created in Comic Life.

Comic Book Script

This is the final copy of the script I will be using to create my comic book.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Photo Plan

This is a list of the photos I will use as images within my comic book; I need this to make sure I do not forget to take any pictures needed from my script.

1. Teenagers walking out of the house
2. Close up of Teenager 2's face - they look confused/scared
3. Silhouette of zombie (full body)
4. Full body shot of zombie in detail
5. Full body shot of all three teenagers looking scared
6. Zombies seen from over one teenagers shoulder
7. Teenagers running away from zombies
8. Teenagers against a wall, realising they are trapped
9. Teenagers and zombies getting ready to fight
10. Close up of zombies eyes
11. Close up of teenagers eyes
12. Fight scenes x2
13. Teenager 2 getting bit by a zombie
14. Close up of teenagers wrist and the bite wound

Friday, March 11, 2011

Planning the comic

Genre: Horror
Sub genre: Zombie Apocalypse
Characters - Three teenagers and zombies
Synopsis - Three teenage friends are leaving their house at night after watching a film about a zombie apocalypse; they are then attacked by a group of zombies, and attempt to escape by running away. This is unsuccessful so they have to fight the zombies, and the comic ends on a cliffhanger when one of the teenagers is bit by a zombie.

Conventions of horror
Scenes - creepy old house, cemetery, abandoned building, basement, factory, carnival/fairground. attic, high school, summer camp

Characters - cowardly/whiny one, 'think they know it all' person, the 'leader', the 'smart' one, the one who always dies first, the one/s who survive

Weapons - knives, guns, axes, pick-axe, fire (burning), live animals (sharks), drowning someone, baseball bat, anything they can find (everyday items)

Villains/Monsters - ghosts, vampires, werewolves, zombies, mutants, psychopathic killers, undead people/spirits (e.g. the grudge) - villain often comes back to life

Types of horror - slasher, psychological, supernatural, zombie, vampire